Brand: Nightingale-Conant Corporation
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 3.9
Buyer Review : 9
Description : This Close the Deal functions great, simple to use and also change. The price for this wa reduced than other places we reviewed, and never considerably more compared to similar product or service
This kind of thing Offer exceeded out prospect, this has developed into a fantastic buy for personally, The thought appeared properly as well as speedily Close the Deal
8 Compact Discs/ Book/ Pamphlet/ Card/ FREE Bonus CD
Explode your commissions by closing winning deals every time you get in front of a prospect!
Review :
Great Sales Course, Refreshingly Different
Having been in sales for 15 years, and going through many corporate training programs (Miller-Heiman, SPIN selling, Achieve Global, etc) I found this 8 CD course to be refreshingly unique and of great value.
Several years ago my company sponsored a one day sales training workshop by a Sandler Sales franchisee. The trainer spent 8 hours talking, quickly flipping from page to page in the (photocopied) manual provided. He actually skipped over a lot of the material in the manual and rambled on for an entire day. As much as I had looked forward to learning the "Sandler System", I was truly dissapointed and could not wait for the day to end.
What I learned was this: the training you get from a Sandler Sales franchisee is only as good as that individual trainer. Some I'm sure are top-notch. The one we had was not so good.
In my opinion, this 8 audio CD program by Nightingale-Conant is FAR more valuable than the workshop I participated in by a Sandler...
Sandler has some great insights and a negative attitude
This multi-cd sales training package was mixed. The positive aspects are that has some great insightful suggestions on closing deals, winning business, and having a positive self image. The other side of it is that much of the language is negative, and if a sales person spoke as David Sandler suggests, it is likely the customer would not like that sales person. Even listening to the CDs, I had to choose not to let myself dislike David Sandler, so that I would be able to get any good suggestions that he might make. If you can get past the negativity, there are some good suggestions mentioned on these CDs. A better suggestion might be to get Zig Zigglars "Secrets of Closing the Sale", or Chet Holmes' "Ultimate Sales Machine".
Surprisingly effective, unconventional sales system
This program has easily been worth over $250,000 for me. When you first listen to it, you may be shocked or even turned off. David Sandler (who died in 1995) could come across as abrasive at times. Also, the methods he suggests are unconventional. Among other controversial techniques, he recommends that you go negative with the prospective customer. If the customer says, "That price sounds kind of high," you respond with, "Oh. Sounds like there's no way you're going to be doing business with us, then."
It sounded bizarre to me ... until I tested it one day on a new prospective client, and it worked. Less than a month later, I had a new client (I'm a consultant) who paid me $100,000 that year.
Sandler's methods have been field tested and been remarkably successful. Even though he died in 1995, there are Sandler Sales Training offices located throughout the country today.
The CD series includes segments from many live seminars given by David...
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